Without these valuable former team members our firm would not be where it is today. If you worked with them in the past, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can continue their hard work.
Laurie Edwards
Ms. Edwards was born in West Point, Nebraska. Following law school she served as clerk to the Honorable James E. Barrett, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Ms. Edwards was with Prehoda, Edwards, and Rampulla for almost 30 years. She practiced in the areas of trust and estate planning and administration, real estate transaction, business planning, banking, government benefits planning, and elder law.
Ms. Edwards is now enjoying her retirement spending time with her grandchildren and dogs.
Fay O'Rourke
Fay was a legal assistant at Prehoda, Edwards, & Rampulla for nearly 16 years. She was an invaluable asset who assisted our attorneys in every matter the firm dealt with along with all her office management responsibilities.
Fay is now enjoying her retirement in Colorado spending time with her husband Mark, her children and grandchildren, and her dog.